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Reformed Witness Hour Overview
The Reformed Witness Hour is a radio and internet program committed to the proclamation of God’s Truth—that He is pleased to gather His people to Himself in the way of repentance and faith in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We broadcast on stations in the United Sates, Canada, and Northern Ireland and post our messages on our website and sermonaudio.com.
Contact Information
The Reformed Witness Hour
PO Box 1230
Grand Rapids, MI 49501
Email: mail@reformedwitnesshour.org
Current Radio Pastor
Prof. Douglas Kuiper
Email: doug.kuiper@prca.org
Phone: (616) 531-1490
About Us
THE REFORMED WITNESS HOUR, Faithfully proclaiming the word of God for over 75 years
In October 1941, the Reformed Witness Hour produced and aired its first broadcast in Grand Rapids, MI. The radio program originated as a project of the Young Men’s Society of First Protestant Reformed Church and was known as the Witness Hour. It was broadcast over WLAV-AM for the first few years but later moved to WFUR-AM. In 1945 the Young Men’s Society asked the consistory of First Protestant Reformed Church to sponsor the program, and since then the broadcast has been sponsored and supported by the whole Protestant Reformed denomination.
Our radio coverage relies solely on kingdom contributions. We appreciate your support.
Broadcasting our weekly program
- San Bernadino, California KTIE (590 AM) 6:00 AM/7:30 AM Sun
- Spokane, Washington KSPO-FM (106.5 FM) 5:00 PM Sun
- Spokane, Washington KTRW (96.5 FM/630 AM) 9:30 AM Sun
- Lynden, Washington KARI-AM (550 AM) 5:30 PM Sun
- Denver, Colorado KLTT-AM (670 AM) 10:30 PM Sun
- Fond Du Lac, Wisconsin WFDL (1170 AM) 8:00 AM Sun
- Reedsburg, Wisconsin WCNP (89.5 FM) 1:00 PM Sun
- Chicago, Illinois WYLL (1160 AM) 4:00 PM Sun
- Grand Rapids, Michigan WFUR (92.9 FM/1570 AM) 4:00 PM Sun/8:00 PM Wed
- Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania WORD-FM (101.5 FM) 10:00 AM Sun
- Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania WJAS-AM (1320 AM) 9:00 AM Sat
- Carlisle, Pennsylvania WPFG-FM (91.3 FM) 8:00 AM Sun
- Detroit, Michigan WLQV (92.7 FM/1500 AM) 9:00 AM Sun
- Pipestone, Minnesota KLOH-AM (1050 AM) 8:00 AM Sun
- Dallas, Texas KWRD-FM (100.7 FM) 9:00 AM Sun
(All times listed are local time.)